Banking Services

Banking Services

We Operate, Develop and Digitalize Swiss Payments

Banking Services – Orchestrating Swiss Payments

SIX operates, develops and digitalizes business and private payments for the Swiss financial center. Central to this is the infrastructure for interbank payments as well as services relating to debit card-based and mobile transactions. Within our four ecosystems, we cover most of the needs of financial institutions, software firms, companies and, increasingly, the Swiss population too. As our client and partner, this means you can benefit from orchestrated payments services – all in one place.

1,007,137,000 1,007,137,000
SIC transactions per year (2024)
1,388,400,000 1,388,400,000
ATM and debit card transactions processed per year (2024)
3,500,000 3,500,000
eBill users (as at 31 December 2024)

White Paper: The Impact of Technology on New Business Models in Banking

This white paper delves into key trends in open banking, embedded finance, and banking-as-a-service with real-world cases. It outlines significant shifts in the banking value chain, spotlights emerging business models, and offers insights to enhance the competitiveness of the Swiss financial center.

White Paper: Future of Invoicing

The white paper of SIX examines invoicing practices in Switzerland and aims to provide guidance to both invoice issuers and invoice recipients. It summarizes the key findings and conclusions from the analysis of three different invoicing methods, and also looks at potential short- and long-term developments in the industry.

Debit BPO - The Comprehensive Service Package

The areas debit cards can be used continue to grow. New debit cards open up a host of new possibilities for your customers.

Take advantage of new market opportunities that arise and strengthen your customer relationship with Debit Business Process Outsourcing (Debit BPO).

White Paper: Understanding Swiss Payment Preferences

In this research paper we present novel and unique insights into the payment behavior of Swiss consumers based on anonymized transactionlevel data. As part of this collaboration between SIX and the University of St.Gallen, we leverage a sample of debit card users over a period of 13 months from September 2020 to September 2021.

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