Discover why a listing is the best way to raise capital from investors who care about liquidity and transparency
Services to Help You Raise Capital and Maximize Your Valuation.
All you as an investor need to know about SIX-listed companies: trading data, news and their events
Get more out of public markets
Enhance your relationship with investors, support your liquidity, and know how to best fulfill your regulatory obligations
Get all your questions answered
Stay ahead by maintaining a close relationship with your peers and key stakeholders
Enhance your visibility with investors, analysts and the media
Get covered by professional researchers
Increase the liquidity of your shares
Reveal your strengths
Get to know your company’s shareholders
We regularly host expert speakers to give advice and insights on a range of issues.
Keep your knowledge up to date and find out what is required of you as a public company. Take advantage of our e-learning platform in the following areas: ad hoc reporting; corporate governance reporting; disclosure of shareholdings; disclosure of management transactions; insider trading.
Concise overview of all your obligations as an issuer on the Swiss stock exchange.
Best Practice and Expertise on Financial Market Communications and Corporate Sustainability
Our key event wrapping up the most pertinent information relevant to listed companies, providing you with insights and helping you grow your network and stay ahead. Scope: open to all listed companies.
Get insights from expert speakers and grow your network to stay ahead. Scope: open to all listed companies.
The CCR Roundtable promotes the exchange of practical experience, provides insights into the approaches of international experts and supports peer learning. Our central goal is to provide our corporate members with hands-on support in developing their individual solutions.
The Annual Report Symposium is hosted by the Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR) and each year brings together more than 300 decision-makers, practitioners and experts in corporate reporting.
SIX partners with this annual SME investor conference in Zurich to connect the top management of listed companies with small- and mid-cap investors. Scope: open to all listed companies. is a competence center for Swiss stocks. The aim is bringing more visibility to small-capitalized Swiss equities through regular news coverage, exclusive background reports, workshops and events.
The aim of the program is to update senior executives and board members on regulatory developments and share best practices in corporate governance.
Target audience: board members and leadership teams at listed companies in Switzerland and other Swiss organizations.
For 10+ years wtv. has managed over 1,000 Investor Relations Webcasts per year in Asia, Europe and North America.
wtv. delivers Investor Relations events such as Results Presentations, Capital Markets Days, Investor Days and AGM’s.
Featuring Baader Helvea, UBS, Zürcher Kantonalbank, Finanz und Wirtschaft and SIX. This program lets you increase your visibility among essential capital market stakeholders through services such as research coverage and factsheet creation.
Our consolidated calendar aggregating corporate events across issuers. Let investors know about your upcoming events.
SIX partners with this annual investor conference in Zurich to connect the top management of listed companies with small- and mid-cap investors.
Investor Communication
Investor ID & Targeting
Our Primary Markets Team will be happy to advise you on all topics related to a listing on the Swiss stock exchange.