Select and Scale for Your Market Activity
The SWXess trading platform comes with a full set of industry-standard interfaces for trading all asset classes. Its modular design consists of a variety of high-performance components and interfaces that deliver in even the most volatile market conditions. Participants can scale speed and capacity, select the most suitable and effective configuration, and subscribe to the interfaces needed to implement trading strategies.
Our Local Support Centers in Zurich, Geneva and London can answer any technical questions.
Your Benefits on the Swiss Stock Exchange
Efficient Trading & Reporting
Our range of interfaces ensures efficient transmission of orders, quotes, trade reports and market data.
Precise Provisioning
Select only the interfaces you need to implement your trading strategy.
Approved Standards
Rely on industry-standard interfaces with an established and proven history.
About This Service
The Swiss Stock Exchange offers a wide range of interfaces to access our trading platforms. Our Technical Product Support teams are available to help with the implementation, from setting up the trading infrastructure to testing and go-live.
A Wide Range of Interface Options
The SWXess trading platform comes with a full set of industry-standard interfaces for trading all asset classes. Our wide range of interface options allows you to select the most suitable and effective configuration and scale speed and capacity to your requirements. You also remain flexible to adapt your setup when new opportunities arise.
OUCH Trading Interface (OTI)
The OTI connects participants directly with both the SWXess Equities and Non-Equities On Book Matcher (OBM) Partitions. For Equities, the OBM Partition is enhanced to provide the highest speed possible. Participants benefit from the renowned high-performance industry standard of the OUCH protocol. Available network protocol: SoupBinTCP.
Quote Trading Interface (QTI)
The QTI connects participants directly with the SWXess Non-Equities On Book Matcher (OBM) Partition. Participants benefit from the renowned high-performance due to the SoupBinTCP network protocol and have guaranteed transmission capacities for entering quotes or one-sided quotes. Additional guaranteed capacity packets can be purchased. Available network protocol: SoupBinTCP.
ITCH Market Data Interface (IMI)
The IMI connects traders and data vendors with the securities and non-securities elements of the on-book matcher. It provides the highest possible speed for low-latency data, giving traders exceptionally high levels of performance.
SIX Multi Dimensional Data FluX Interface (SIX MDDX)
SIX MDDX provides real-time market data from the SWXess trading platform, including: index data, Swiss fund data, reference data from CONNEXOR and other sources, as well as bespoke data sets based on Regulatory Technical Standard on Data Disaggregation (RTS) requirements.
Standard Trading Interface (STI)
STI provides basic trading and reporting capability and it is not designed for high-speed, high-volume proprietary trading and market making. The STI interface uses SWX FIX 4.4 protocol.
Reference Data Interface (RDI)
RDI is a file download interface that provides participants with all trading-related and participant-related reference data. The reference data is processed and made available for download as a set of CSV files on a daily basis.
PartyID and SenderCompID Configuration Form
SWXess User Application or Deletion
Change of Connectivity or ASP
Reallocation of Capacity
Application for Additional Exclusive Market Maker ID and/or Exclusive Liquidity Provider ID
Technical Queries
Our Local Support Centers in Zurich, Geneva and London are happy to answer any technical questions.