Emmi’s Journey: 20 Years of Success on SIX Swiss Exchange
How does an IPO fuel growth and international expansion? What role does SIX play in supporting companies like Emmi on their journey to success? Discover how Emmi’s stock market listing helped transform Switzerland’s biggest dairy company into a global powerhouse in our latest success story.
Aluflexpack’s IPO: A Steppingstone for Growth and Innovation
How does an IPO work? How does SIX support IPO candidates on their way to going public? What are the challenges involved? And what actually happens afterwards? Read our success story about the Swiss packaging company Aluflexpack and find out how the company has benefited from its IPO.
How Did These Companies Benefit from Their IPO:
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Evaluating the Aspects of a Swiss versus a US Listing
There are a number of compelling reasons for domestic companies to IPO in Switzerland rather than listing overseas. Download the paper and see what benefits SIX Swiss Exchange has to offer in comparison to other exchanges.
The listing of our shares at SIX Swiss Exchange is a natural next step in our development, which opens up new opportunities for our company.
Daniel von Stockar, Chairman of SoftwareONE
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Looking to go public? Wondering what’s involved?
Satisfy your curiosity with these success stories from just a few of the companies that have listed with us.
Listing on the Swiss Stock Exchange
Choosing your listing venue is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. But it doesn’t have to be a hard decision. The Swiss Stock Exchange provides you a platform where you can benefit from an efficient going public process and gain access to Switzerland’s globally connected financial ecosystem.
Streamlined, Straightforward and Fast Listing
At the Swiss Stock Exchange, you can gain regulatory approval in as little as 20 business days after filing of the listing application and all required ancillary documents in substantial final form, thanks to our short decision-making pathways, flexibility, reliability and close to market and client proximity.
Further, we provide personal support before, during and after you go public with our dedicated Primary Markets team.
Listing of Global Depository Receipts (GDRs) on SIX Swiss Exchange
Global Depository Receipts (or GDRs) are tradable securities that are issued by a bank and represent shares in foreign equity securities that are segregated and deposited in the home country. They enable the (indirect) exercise of the membership and asset rights of the deposited equity securities. The listing of GDRs on SIX Swiss Exchange has been possible since 2007. The regulatory framework for GDRs has been reviewed and amended, and the revised regulatory framework for GDRs entered into force on 25 July 2022.
SPACs Listings on SIX Swiss Exchange
Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) is a publicly traded shell company established solely for the purpose of acquiring an unlisted operating company (or several companies simultaneously) within a certain time frame. The securities of such a SPAC can now be listed and traded on the Swiss stock exchange. Read the most important facts about SPACs here.
Europe's Leading Exchange for Life Sciences
Switzerland enjoys plentiful life sciences clusters and a strong life science ecosystem which includes big pharma companies, SMEs as well as start-ups, world-leading universities, strong associations and promoters - all supported by a capital-rich finance industry.
This is why the Swiss Stock Exchange is Europe's leading exchange for life sciences companies, representing around one third of the European life sciences free float market capitalization across Europe's major stock exchanges. Listing with us enables companies to efficiently raise the capital they need to make new discoveries and finance the development of their pipeline.
Taking Family Businesses Public
Globally – and at the Swiss Stock Exchange – around 30% of the 20 largest listed companies per main market are family-controlled.
For family businesses, an IPO can be a key route to protecting and growing the company. It can help with succession outside the family when needed, enhance visibility and professionalize the company, while enabling family members to remain as shareholders and in management functions if desired.
Our IPO Guide gives you all the relevant information on how to make your IPO efficient and effective.
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