Reference Data: Managed

Quality Reference Data. Where You Need It. When You Need It.

Managing financial instrument data has never been more challenging. Regulations such as IRS 871(m), MiFID II or FinSA are underscoring the need for high-quality, complete and instantly available reference data.
That’s where CONNEXOR comes in. With services for both issue and maintenance of an instrument, as well as for data use, CONNEXOR offers:
  • Full lifecycle, fully automated, cost-efficient management of reference data.
  • Greater global efficiency and quality thanks to its unique, exacting data standard
  • The right service: from launch, placement (including OTC), trading and maintenance, right through to maturity.
  • The Issuer’s Choice

    CONNEXOR is used by 93 issuers of financial products, with more than 2.25 million newly issued structured products and more than 50+ million associated product updates and lifecycle events flowing through every year.

    • +41 58 399 3366
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CONNEXOR in Figures

93 93
37 37
Data Consumers
2.25 mn 2.25 mn
Newly issued products in 2024
50+ mn 50+ mn
associated product updates & lifecycle events in 2024
5 5
Asset Classes: Structured Products
(incl. Warrants), OTC Derivatives (Options, Forwards incl. Accumulator/Decumulators), Fixed Income, ETPs, Life Insurance policies.
20+ 20+
countries our issuers come from: Switzerland, Germany, France, Great Britain, Hongkong, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Netherlands, Luxemburg, Ireland, USA and more.

How You Will Benefit

Fully Automated and Digitized

Full lifecycle, fully automated, cost-efficient reference data management.

Validated Data Quality

CONNEXOR’s product-specific validation rules ensure pristine data quality.

High Efficiency, Low Cost

Automatically processed and distributed to data consumers for more efficient workflows and cost savings for all participants.

Distribution of high quality reference data to multiple market participants can be costly and cumbersome. Issuers contend with many different interfaces and many data models, incurring high overheads.

CONNEXOR Distribution does things differently. Reference data is captured electronically in a standardized way, directly at source, even for instruments listed on other exchanges, OTC or private placements. This allows for straight through processing, making data available to any number of data consumers in a standard format, without any changes to content.

The process is fast, efficient and eliminates repeated efforts across different interfaces and data models: that’s the CONNEXOR Distribution difference.

Numerous market participants such as financial institutions, data vendors, investors, technology partners, public authorities and other reference data users are already connected to the CONNEXOR infrastructure and further market participants can be connected. The table below shows the services currently available via CONNEXOR.

Service RSOT

Listing at SIX


Settlement at SIX SIS


Data Distribution to Bloomberg


Collateral Secured Instruments (COSI) Service by SIX


PIB Documentation by SIX


PRIIP/KID Documentation by SIX


Suitability Check by Investment Navigator


PRIIP/KID Documentation by Cleversoft


XDL Settlement at SIX


Data Distribution to WM Data


Data Distribution to Refinitiv


Risk Assessment by Edge Laboratories


Customized Solutions by Move Digital


Data Distribution to Maverix Securities AG


Data Distribution to SwissQuant


Data Distribution to Anova Partners


Listing at BX Swiss


Data Distribution to OTCX

Data Distribution to Vontobel for trades on Deritrade


Data Distribution to FinIQ


Valuation Services by Finalyse


Valuation and Advisory Services by Alternative Investment Solutions (AISFG)


Data Distribution to WealthArc


Data Distribution to Structured Retail Products (SRP)


Data Distribution to baha (ex Teletrader)


CONNEXOR Blockchain Solution


WM Daten EDDy_New Conversion Service


CONNEXOR Blockchain Solution Tokenization


Listing at BME


Clearing and Settlement at Iberclear


Data Distribution to Arcmedia


Bondfloor Automation Service for Tax Reporting 145
Data Distribution to Equitim 150
Data Distribution to Infront AS 151
Data Distribution to LinkedTrade Technologies Ltd 152
Data Distribution to Swissquote Bank SA 153

Requested Service Offering Type (CONNEXOR attribute)

To further enhance efficiency and automation, we offer a range of optional premium services designed to optimize and streamline your experience. Explore our premium services to unlock the full potential of CONNEXOR.

Our “easy-to-connect” CONNEXOR API allows our customers to download data ISIN by ISIN (such as Structured Products, Bonds and other Asset Classes)– just like you would with a shopping cart! So clients only pay for what they actively request. In addition to the native data format CONNEXOR-XML, other popular formats such as json or csv are also enabled. Our offering includes:

In addition, a user that subscribes for an instrument can receive the latest reference data and calculation results on a daily basis.

The price for the service is a combination of a basic fee and, depending on needs, a reference data package with or without key figures:

  • One-off fee of CHF 2,500 for the technical set-up
  • CHF 3 per ISIN, per calendar year for the reference data package or
    CHF 8 per ISIN, per calendar year for the reference data package incl. key figures
  • Minimum usage fee of CHF 2,000 per calendar year

The price for Independent Valuation subscriptions depends on certain criteria such as product / payoff complexity, time to maturity and other factors. For further information about pricing details please reach out to us.

Our CONNEXOR API offerings benefit all our customers but especially those with ad-hoc requests for flexible management of their financial instruments. This service is offered by CONNEXOR in cooperation with our partner Avaloq.

The one-time registration is quick and easy via an online contract, and the data can be obtained immediately after a brief contract review. Click to navigate to the CONNEXOR API interface.


Resources and Support


    CONNEXOR allows for fully automated, cost-efficient management of reference data throughout a financial instrument's entire life cycle.

    Open document
  • CONNEXOR Numbering

    Automatic reservation and allocation of Swiss security identification numbers and ISINs.

    Open document
  • CONNEXOR Events

    CONNEXOR Events is a service that allows issuers to automate their reporting processes for structured products, thereby making it easier to submit product event information electronically.

    Open document
  • Any Questions? We Are Happy to Help.
    • +41 58 399 3366
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