Trade Repository: Get All the Details

Based on the Financial Market Infrastructure Act (FMIA; in German ‘Finanzinfrastrukturgesetz’ FinfraG), all companies with a registered office in Switzerland are obliged to report derivative transactions to an authorized trade repository. In response to client demand, SIX has launched a central trade repository for the reporting of OTC and exchange traded derivative (ETD) transactions under FMIA.

Counterparties will have to start reporting open OTC transactions on 1 October 2017 (CCP or FC+), 1 January 2018 (FC- or NFC) or 1 January 2019 (other constellations) depending on their FMIA classification.

This info center provides information on client reporting, registration, regulator access as well as statistics.

Useful links

This section provides documents outlining key information on registration, onboarding as well as technical documents – everything you need to know about SIX Trade Repository.


SIX Trade Repository provides access to the data contained in its trade repository to authorized domestic regulators in accordance with article 77 of FMIA and article 62 of FinfraV. The data will be made available from 1, October 2017 after the first reporting deadline, by email.

SIX Trade Repository publishes aggregated public statistics on a weekly basis.

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