SFTR Data Service

SFTR Data Service

High-Quality Data for Your SFTR Reporting

Make Sure to Achieve SFTR Compliance with Relied-on Reference Data

The Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR) has a major impact on the reporting entities (investment banking, CCPs, CSDs, insurance firms, pension funds…) as it concerns the repurchase of transactions, the lending and borrowing of securities or commodities, the buy-sell back transactions or sell-buy back transactions, the margin lending transactions.

With its data offering, SIX supports the industry in its compliance effort to increase transparency of securities financing markets, avoid activities exercised by traditional banks to be shifted to less regulated areas such as the shadow banking sector, monitor and reach out for more transparency in the area of collateral reuse.

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    Struggling with the complexity of reference data requirements implied by SFTR? Contact our experts to learn more about our offering.

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How You Will Benefit

Master the Reference Data Challenges of the Securities Financing Transactions Regulation

The EU’s Securities Financing Transactions Regulation was originally triggered by the global financial crisis in 2007–2008, where the financial industry was characterized by excessive speculative activities, regulatory gaps, ineffective supervision, opaque markets and complex investment products.

The regulation is extensive, with around 150 data fields in its mandatory regulatory reports – based on the Commission Implementing Regulation. Formats to be used for SFTR reporting on the details of securities financing transactions are: counterparty data (35 fields), loan and collateral data (99 fields), margin data (20 fields), re-use, cash reinvestment and funding data (18 fields).

With the SFTR data service SIX provides an extensive set covering the reference data fields with a special focus on the “Loan and Collateral Data” template.

Marcello Solida

Reporting entities require access to high-quality reference and descriptive data for their SFTR compliance.

Darren Marsh Senior Product Manager, SIX

Serving Your Customers in the Post-Trade Area

The market is struggling with new data challenges in order to comply with SFTR and CSDR, but with the right data and preparation it doesn’t have to be. Watch our webinar to find out more.

About This Service

SIX supports the market with the complete and high quality data required under the European Securities Financing Transactions Regulation and therefore make the SFTR reporting workflow easier.

SFTR Service Overview

SFTR forces a much in-depth assessment of the quality of collateral and requires a lot of reference data to do so. Discover how SIX can help by reading our factsheet.