Financial Regulatory Services

Financial Regulatory Services

Navigate to Regulatory Compliance with Consistent, Ready-to-Consume Data


Your Partner for Compliance

As regulations worldwide grow ever more complex, SIX is your partner in becoming, and staying, compliant.

SIX develops compliance data and services in collaboration with customers to ensure alignment with today’s industry needs. We aim to make compliance easier by simplifying implementation, enabling automation and reducing total cost of ownership.

Built on our core reference data expertise, our services provide rich regulatory content for more than 80 European and global regulations. Stay compliant and competitive with SIX.

Crypto Regulation and Taxation: Are You Compliant?

Increased regulatory scrutiny and ongoing automation means that it is difficult to rely solely on static lists to determine whether a product has a crypto underlying or not.
The information that SIX provides ranges from data describing direct investment into tokenized assets such as Crypto currencies to investor information codes for a potential digital asset exposure through an underlying of a structured product or a component of a fund.
Discover how the fully automated solution from SIX helps you identify financial products that have crypto underlying and flags them accordingly.

ESG / Sustainable Finance in Securities Lending

Today, more and more investment strategies are not only led by profit considerations but, also by the incorporation of environmental, social and governance factors and their effect on our planet and society.
Sustainable investment strategies are not only limited to the relationship between client advisors and investors but also need to be considered in other business areas, such as lending/ borrowing and securitisation/ collateralisation.
Discover more in this article from our experts and which was published in the Journal of Financial Compliance.