About the SDX Crypto Indices

The objective of the SDX Crypto Indices is to measure the performance of currently two large and widely known crypto assets, namely Bitcoin (“BTC”) and Ether (“ETH”). To reduce the volatility of trading prices and present a more stable price point, the SDX BTC and SDX ETH indices calculate the volume weighted median price over a one hour time window. Trading prices and volumes, which are used as input data for the indices, are obtained from multiple exchanges.

In addition to SDX BTC and SDX ETH which use a single crypto asset as input data, a combined index is also available. The combined index (the “SDX Bi-Cap Index”) is a market cap weighted index, which uses the volume weighted median prices of SDX BTC and SDX ETH as input prices.

The SDX Bi-Cap Index was standardised at 1000 points on 2 August 2019 and has been calculated on an ongoing basis since 13 September 2021.

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Index Information

  • SIX Crypto Indices

    Methodology Rulebook Governing SIX Crypto Indices

    Open document

Historical Index Data