Your Reliable Source for Mastering the Reference Data Challenges of the Securities Financing Transactions Regulation

Reporting entities require huge quantity of reference and descriptive data to be compliant with SFTR’s reporting requirements. SIX supports the industry by handling the data management and making the reporting workflow easier. This package  provides reliable reference data in order to fulfill the reporting obligations and focusing on the “Loan and Collateral Data” template.

  • Asset Servicing
  • Asset Management
  • Wealth Management / Private Banking
  • Investment Banking
  • Retail / Brokerage

  • Back Office Operations
  • Reporting
  • Risk
  • Trading

SIX focus mainly on the fields of the “Loan and Collateral Data” table of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/363 of 13 December 2018.

  • Easily identify the security quality of an instrument “in scope” of the EU SFTR based on the rating information SIX is allowed to use by the recognized rating agencies.
  • Identification of the main equity indices and their constituents for the “MEQU” security type classification, in collaboration with the main index providers.

Geographical Coverage EU
Industry Coverage All
Delivery Mechanism(s) SIX Flex
Data Format csv