Your unique source for full PRIIPs data collection
With the Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) regulation, investor protection is becoming more demanding and requires product manufacturers to provide a large volume of Key Information Documents (KIDs) in plain language for retail investors to easily understand and compare products and improve the risks of investing transparency.
With this package, benefit from the one-stop solution by SIX. Whatever the concerned asset classes, even the UCITS funds, access and integrate seamlessly the data you need to generate those documents: instruments’ identification and characteristics, risks, costs, appropriate investor’s profile.
- Asset Management
- Wealth Management / Private Banking
- Retail / Brokerage
- Portfolio Management
- Risk
- Compliance
- Reporting
Our package provides with the data which is common with the PRIIPs KID and used to generate those documents:
- General portfolio information.
- Risk assessment (SRI, Credit Risk Measure, Market RM).
- Performance Scenarios.
- Cost & charges.
- Additional information required in DE, in UK and for structured products.
- Enriched by SIX with common identifiers.
- SIX is sourcing directly the data of several hundred manufactures, provided in EPT format (European PRIIPs Template), normalizing and distributing it via established channels.
- Regulatory data when you need it: With the PRIIPs Data package, SIX is complementing the regulatory data set to cover all needs of our clients to be compliant and able to monitor products and services.
- This package complements the SIX Flex® MiFID II Investor Protection package for a better suitability assessment.
- Supports insurers or funds of funds providers for building their products description with complete data on the positions in their portfolio.
Geographical Coverage | Global |
Industry Coverage | All |
Delivery Mechanism(s) | SIX Flex |
Data Format | csv |