High Quality Data on SDG alignment through SIX

There is an increasing demand for high quality data on the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to report to clients, or to address clients' demands to support investments aligned with these goals. SIX offers the MSCI SDG/Impact Data, which is designed to provide a holistic view of companies’ net contribution, both positive and negative, towards addressing each of the 17 UN SDGs, and to support clients' unique impact investing goals and priorities.

  • Asset Management
  • Wealth Management / Private Banking

  • Advisory
  • Portfolio Management
  • Reporting

The MSCI SDG/Impact Data provides information on: 

  • Companies' net alignment scores for each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and net impact data, covering 8,600 issuers. 
  • Assessments and scores for two dimensions: product alignment and operation alignment, for each company and for each of the 17 goals.

This package can be used as a stand-alone set of metrics or applied to more complex impact and sustainability frameworks (e.g. EU Taxonomy).

  • Clients do not need to source this data from the third party providers directly, but can do so via one source - SIX.
  • The data is mapped to our well-structured database with a wide range of company and financial instruments identifiers, it is supplemented with other SIX reference data and is delivered through well-know SIX delivery capabilities. 
  • Data sourcing and integration are easier, faster and cost-efficient.

Geographical Coverage Global
Industry Coverage All
Delivery Mechanism(s) SIX Flex
Data Format csv