Make Sure Your Firm is MiFID II Compliant

MiFID II introduces complex challenges in terms of compliance with trading and reporting obligations.
A key challenge for firms resides in establishing a coherent and consistent reference data framework that supports both trading obligations and transaction or trade reporting. With this package, access the content for efficient compliance with pre/post-trade transparency, transaction and reference data reporting requirements.

  • Investment Banking

  • Reporting
  • Trading

SIX sources instrument reference data from Regulated Markets (RMs), Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTFs) and Organized Trading Facilities (OTFs), Trading Statistics from ESMA FIRDS (Financial Instruments Reference Data System) and FITRS (Financial Instruments Transparency System).

  • Identify MiFID-reportable instruments to comply with transaction reporting obligations.
  • Fulfill trade reporting (transparency) obligations in a lean and efficient way by using static data provided by ESMA and trading venues.
  • Identify the Best Trading Venue on instrument level to support Best Execution requirement.

Geographical Coverage Global
Industry Coverage All
Delivery Mechanism(s) SIX Flex
Data Format csv