Single View of Funds Size, Prices and Performance
Getting a comprehensive and reliable source for funds NAVs, funds size as well as measurement of performance and risk is crucial for all funds distributors and investors.
This package is designed to offer a ready-to-integrate solution to support investment decision-making and reporting streams. It covers funds and ETFs across major European markets.
- Asset Servicing
- Asset Management
- Wealth Management / Private Banking
- Advisory
- Portfolio Management
- Risk
The package offers a single view of funds prices (NAV), funds size and performance and risk calculation. It delivers the latest fund price (NAV), the latest funds size (outstanding shares, Fund assets - share class level, Total net assets - sub-fund level, and the standard performance and risk calculation (rolling and trailing performance, volatility, Sharpe ratio and Max Drawdown) on various and standard periods.
- Funds price and funds size are processed from the best source.
- Market standard calculation for most common financial ratios.
- Ready-to-consume calculation to compare performance and risk of peer groups.
Geographical Coverage | Europe |
Industry Coverage | All |
Delivery Mechanism(s) | SIX Flex |
Data Format | csv |