Simplify Disclosure With High Quality ESG RegRisk Data

EU financial market participants are required to comply with the EU Taxonomy Regulation (EUT). It is part of the EU Action Plan on Sustainable Finance which aims to reorient capital flows towards sustainable investments, manage financial risks from climate change, environmental degradation and social issues, and foster transparency.  The EUT data on investee companies supports your regulatory compliance with regards to equity and bond investments. SIX sources this data from several ESG data providers that are well known in the market.

  • Asset Management
  • Wealth Management / Private Banking

  • Advisory
  • Compliance
  • Portfolio Management
  • Reporting
  • Risk

The main purpose of this dataset is to specify what % of a company's turnover is aligned with the EUT, measured based on six environmental objectives, of which two are in force at the moment (climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation). 

SIX proposes two packages for clients to choose from:

  • EUT Investee Company by Institution: it delivers EUT data related to companies (issuers). It requires a selection file with institution codes, such as SIX Company Codes and LEI identifiers.
  • EUT Investee Company by Instrument: it also delivers EUT data related to companies (issuers), but mapped to financial instruments such as equties and bonds issued by those companies. Therefore, the selection file is based on instrument identifiers (e.g. ISIN, Valor).

Our EUT Investee Company data:

  • Supports your disclosure requirements: The data is based on SIX' proven regulatory data competence and leverages our renowned reference data.
  • Is aggregated and normalized: SIX sources data from several ESG data providers that are well known in the market. The data is normalized, comparable and machine readable.
  • Reduces the complexity of data sourcing: SIX can be your single reliable source to cover your EUT data needs. You receive this data through the same delivery channels as our other ESG, reference, corporate actions and regulatory data.
Geographical Coverage EU
Industry Coverage All
Delivery Mechanism(s) SIX Flex
Data Format csv