Access Standardized and Granular ESG Data
The EU Action Plan on Sustainable Finance has impacted many existing regulations in addition to bringing in new ones. The package contains ESG information on Funds and Structured Products sourced from the issuers (manufacturers) of these financial products. This dataset supports our clients in fulfilling requirements under the EU regulations SFDR, Taxonomy and MiFID. Under SFDR, PAI (Principal Adverse Impact) disclosures on product level will be mandatory from 1st January 2023 for ESG focused products (e.g. Art. 8 and 9 funds). The main source for the data is the EET (European ESG Template) and is complemented by flagging of products based on MiFID II (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) sustainability preferences. This indicator is provided by SIX in order to differentiate financial products by their degree of inclusion of sustainability aspects, thereby helping users to make informed choices and match clients’ sustainability preferences with the appropriate financial products.
- Asset Management
- Wealth Management / Private Banking
- Advisory
- Compliance
- Portfolio Management
- Reporting
- Risk
- Data directly sourced from manufacturers of financial products, mainly fund managers, but also issuers of structured products.
- Extensive datasets of 600+ fields.
- Description of all the product ESG/sustainability characteristics (i.e. pre-contractual info) such as SFDR classification, investment objective, minimum % EU Taxonomy-alignment, exclusion policy, consideration of SFDR PAIs.
- Data measuring the extent to which ESG characteristics and/or sustainability objectives were met (i.e. ex-post info) such as SFDR and EU Taxonomy KPIs, PAI indicators and EU Taxonomy alignment.
SIX leverages its connections to several hundred manufacturers of financial products and its sophisticated infrastructure to source this data, which means clients receive data on a broad range of funds and structured products.
It is used to:
- Support clients' sustainability preferences assessment based on product characteristics
- Select suitable products in accordance with clients' sustainability preferences (e.g. products referred to as categories a, b and c according to Article 2(7) of MiFID II Delegated Regulation)
- Report ESG/sustainability performance at clients' portfolio level
New "EU ESG Manufacturer Light" package available in SIX Flex®
This compact version of the larger package consists of all the 'Mandatory' and 'Conditional' fields from the EET version 1.0 and additional fields that are essential for assessing product suitability under MiFID II in relation to sustainability requirements. Like the EU ESG Manufacturer package, this offering includes the sustainability preferences indicators that are calculated by SIX based on the MiFID II sustainability categories.
This package is for clients who do not aim to integrate the full EU ESG Manufacturer information (ca. 600 fields) and are content with a sub-set of the information at less than 100 data fields that primarily address the sustainabaility requirements from MiFID II.
Geographical Coverage | EU |
Industry Coverage | All |
Delivery Mechanism(s) | SIX Flex |
Data Format | csv |