Interbank Clearing

Interbank Clearing

SIC and euroSIC Offer Secure, Reliable and Efficient Interbank Payments at the Highest Level


Payment Services for the Swiss Financial Center

With the SIC and euroSIC systems, financial institutions process customer and interbank payments in Swiss francs and euros efficiently, securely and in real time – in Switzerland, Europe and worldwide. For interbank payments, financial institutions rely on forward-looking international standards and reliable, high-performance and cost-efficient technologies.

With instant payments in Swiss francs, SIX has been offering a new service since November 2023 that is available around the clock. On this basis, financial institutions can offer innovative payment functions that meet the growing needs of their customers and gradually improve the customer experience. This includes access to services via smartphones and mobile apps, as well as connecting corporate clients to their back-office processes.

Facts and Figures

1,007 1,007
million transactions are processed via the SIC payment system every year.
6 6
trillion Swiss franc turnover is generated by financial institutions via SIC during peak months.
1987 1987
The year Swiss Interbank Clearing (SIC), the real-time payment system for Switzerland, was founded.

About SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd

About us

Tasks and Responsibility


SIC5 project and instant payment

Secure Swiss Finance Network (SSFN)

Roadmap Swiss Payments


SIC Ltd is responsible for the management of interbank issues in various financial center committees.


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