ATM Outsourcing

ATM Outsourcing

Manage ATM outsourcing with ease

Relieve Yourself of All Expenses

Comprehensive outsourcing solutions from SIX for your ATMs will relieve you of your daily and operational challenges and allow you to deploy your resources elsewhere. You will benefit from our expertise as the central Swiss financial infrastructure service provider and henceforth your single direct point of contact for all your ATMs. At the same time, you will retain your strategic autonomy and freedom of decision when it comes to supplying your customers with cash. You will gain financial flexibility and planning certainty, allowing you to focus on your core business.

By outsourcing to SIX, you can be sure that the usual ATM functions will remain unchanged and that the positive customer experience will be guaranteed.

  • Simplify Your ATM Experience with SIX.

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Two Flexible Plans for Your Outsourcing Needs

CashaaS enables the complete outsourcing of your ATMs. There is no need for you to have a contract with a cash-in-transit company (CIT) and thus no need for the financing, provision or insurance of cash. 

There Are Three Ways You Can Benefit from ATM Outsourcing

Interested in Getting a Particular Service Separately?

  • Simplify Your ATM Experience with SIX

    Dive deeper into how ATM Outsourcing can transform your business

    • +41 58 399 4670
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