As a financial market infrastructure provider, we strive to reduce market inefficiencies to support investors to efficiently allocate capital and focus their efforts on meaningful engagements with adequate companies.

The sustainability space remains largely inefficient in terms of transparency. According to the SIX-sponsored 2023 SWIPRA Survey, a majority of investors say that their understanding of companies’ material sustainability topics is average at best. The majority of companies recognizes that their sustainability endeavors are not being fully appreciated by investors, but over 40% say that missing workforce, lack of knowledge and expertise, and costs considerations are holding them back in improving the quality of their sustainability information.

This is why SIX has co-developed this new education program – to improve the quality of sustainability information by enhancing knowledge and expertise. The program combines cutting-edge scientific insights on stakeholder engagement from researchers at the University and ETH Zurich with the hands-on views and experience from industry experts. Participants must complete 10 ECTS to receive the certificate, but will have the choice between various modules, such as ‘ESG Engagements’ or ‘Strategic Sustainability Considerations for Corporates.’ The start of the program is set for August 2024.

“The dialogue with stakeholders is a central element of a listed company’s sustainability efforts. Participants will learn best practices on stakeholder engagement, with a particular focus on the key topics discussed in our SIX Sustainability Handbook. This program is a natural next step in our efforts to increase transparency on sustainability matters,” said Vera Sokulskyj, Head Issuer Relations, Primary Markets, SIX Swiss Exchange.

SIX has a successful track record of developing educational programs designed to bolster the country’s capital markets. In 2023, the Exchange launched the SIX-HSG Board Essentials, an education program for board members co-developed with the University of St. Gallen. In 2021, the Exchange launched the Sparks IPO Academy, a course targeting executives at growing SMEs to prepare them for a potential Sparks IPO, and which is now in its third edition. Alongside these programs, the BörsenTalk Event Series provides industry professionals with insights into the most topical issues of the day, with past events covering themes such as crypto-investing; ESG (environmental, social, governance) and ETF (exchange traded fund) liquidity.

More information can be found here.

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