The purpose of this joint program is to provide senior executives and board members with updates on the various regulatory changes sweeping across the market along with information covering best practices around corporate governance. The course – which is split into eight separate modules  – will be led by a combination of leading academics and industry practitioners.

The initiative will play an important role in professionalizing the work of board members and to good corporate governance practice in Switzerland.

SIX Swiss Exchange has a successful track record of supporting educational programs designed to bolster the country’s capital markets. As an example having launched Sparks at the end of 2021, a dedicated equity segment for SMEs, the exchange unveiled the Sparks IPO Academy. The Sparks IPO Academy focuses on executives at growing SMEs, with the objective of preparing them for what a potential Sparks IPO entails.

Similarly, the Exchange’s BörsenTalk series provides industry professionals with insights into the most topical issues of the day, with past events covering themes such as crypto-investing; ESG and ETF (exchange traded fund) liquidity.  

Click here to read more about this course and to register for it.

Nerin Demir, Head Repo

As a stock exchange we have a keen interest in ensuring that Switzerland remains a leading capital markets destination. Through this initiative with the University of St. Gallen, we intend to contribute to good corporate governance practice in Switzerland.

Christian Reuss, Head SIX Swiss Exchange

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