With exciting content on ETFs, ETPs and tracker certificates, the ETP & Indexing Guide (available in German) offers annually a unique mix to help investors make informed investment decisions. As the operator of SIX Swiss Exchange, Switzerland's most important trading venue, SIX promotes the understanding of exchange-traded products – be it on a specific index, investment baskets or cryptocurrenccies – and is therefore proud co-publisher of the Guide for the tenth time.

Contributing to Stability and Security

In his foreword, Christian Reuss, Head SIX Swiss Exchange, looks back on a historic banking quake in Switzerland, which caused intense trading activity. It reminded all market participants how important it is in such hectic phases of uncertainty to be able to rely on the Swiss stock exchange, as it makes a significant contribution to the safety and stability of the markets as part of its economic mandate.

Ralf Rühling

The Swiss stock exchange makes a significant contribution to the security and stability of the markets.

Christian Reuss, Head SIX Swiss Exchange

Focus on QOD and ESG

Among the many experts who share their knowledge in the ETP & Indexing Guide 2023/2024 is Danielle Reischuk, Senior ETFs & ETPs Sales Manager at SIX Swiss Exchange. In her interview, she introduces the comprehensive product offering on the Swiss stock exchange and presents current figures on listing and trading activity.

Another focus topic is Quote on Demand (QoD), an order book for trading ETFs and ETPs introduced at SIX Swiss Exchange at the end of 2020. QOD offers institutional investors the opportunity to place orders directly with registered and major liquidity providers in Europe in a bidding process – with success. Discover in the interview with Danielle Reischuk how high QOD trading turnover was in the recent record month and in what percentage of all trades customers achieved a price improvement – as well as the reasons why QOD is to be expanded into a comprehensive pan-European ETF & ETP trading platform.

Ralf Rühling

We plan to expand QOD towards a comprehensive pan-European ETF & ETP trading platform.

Danielle Reischuk, Senior ETFs & ETPs Sales Manager at SIX Swiss Exchange

ESG products geared to sustainable investment aspects, are also in focus. In the first seven months of the current year, they accounted for 42% of all new listings – a record figure on SIX Swiss Exchange.

Furthermore, ESG is also considered from an index perspective: In his article, Christian Bahr, Head Index Services in the Financial Information business unit of SIX, explores the question of whether ESG indices represent a competition to traditional market indices and whether they are merely a temporary hype.

ETFs on SIX Swiss Exchange: A Success Story

In January 2023, another chapter was added to the now 23-year success story of ETFs on SIX Swiss Exchange when the threshold of 1,700 ETFs was reached. It now offers investors more options than ever before and reinforces its position as one of the top 3 ETF trading venues in Europe, giving issuers access to around CHF 2,100 billion in mutual fund assets under management in Switzerland. SIX Swiss Exchange makes a major contribution to transparency. Our website provides the latest information on market data & turnover as well as all the new listings in the ETF segment.

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