Marc Berthoud, congratulations for your appointment as FISD Executive Committee Member. Could you present FISD in a few words?
Marc Berthoud (M.B.): “Thank you very much! FISD is the industry association acting as an umbrella organisation over the full financial information value-chain worldwide. We find most of the banking and FinTech heavyweights among the 290 FISD global members. The main FISD focus areas are the promotion of industry best practices promotion, advocacy activities, education and providing innovation insights across the financial information industry.”
What is the connection to SIX?
M.B.: “SIX is a data-driven organization that runs a data-centric business. Considering the financial information value-chain, we traditionally distinguish three stakeholder groups: data producers, typically exchanges such as SIX Swiss Exchange, BME and SDX; distributors, typically data vendors such as SIX Financial Information; and consumers like brokers, banks, fund managers, institutional and retail investors. As a key data producer as well as a leading data distributor, SIX has a strong footprint in two of the three stakeholder groups described above.”
SIX is a data-driven organization with a strong footprint in the financial information value chain.
Marc Berthoud, Head Exchange Data Strategy, Exchanges
Could you explain the rationale behind the involvement of SIX in FISD activities?
M.B.: “SIX has global ambitions. Our involvement in FISD enables us to gain immediate visibility as a relevant player globally. This organization is well-regarded and the various FISD events usually attract a broad and distinguished audience. The flagship WFIC conference is the largest event of this kind for the financial information industry worldwide, and our Financial Information business unit is a long-standing sponsor. Key suppliers, customers and peers are in the room. FISD events always represent a fantastic opportunity to spread the good word about the great expertise of SIX, exhibit our innovation capabilities and demonstrate thought leadership on critical industry topics.”
Speaking of FISD events: Berta Ares, what were your impressions of the recent FISD Conference in Amsterdam, where you have also been a panelist on AI Topics?
Berta Ares (B.A.): “The experience was highly valuable and with over 100 participants, the conference was a great success. I truly appreciated the invitation to join the AI panel. It allowed me to share the perspective of SIX – both globally and within the market data industry – and contrast it with insights from other companies and industry roles. We had meaningful discussions on regulatory and competitive challenges, and there was broad consensus that AI is still in its early stages. Given its growing impact, I am confident that FISD will continue to dedicate many more panels to this topic in the future.”
The direct engagement with clients is key to understand their evolving needs and to gain insights into industry trends.
Berta Ares Lombán, Head Program & Innovation Office, Financial Information
SIX will be hosting one of the next FISD Conferences on 2 April 2025 at Palacio de la Bolsa in Madrid. Why would you recommend people to attend?
B.A.: “Just as the conference in Amsterdam, the FISD conference in Madrid will be a fantastic opportunity to connect with key stakeholders in the data industry and exchange insights on critical topics. Participants can engage with customers, reinforce relationships, and gain fresh perspectives on the most pressing industry topics. For me, the direct engagement with clients is key to understand their evolving needs, to gain insights into industry trends shaping the financial information landscape and exposure to cutting-edge innovations from both data providers and users Additionally, hosting the event in Madrid provides the perfect setting to foster in-person networking while experiencing the city’s vibrant atmosphere.”
Marc Berthoud, what are your priority topics as newly appointed FISD Executive Committee member?
M.B.: “There is a FISD strategic review under way. I will deliver my contribution to this review, making sure that the FISD delivers best-of-breed value for the membership and thus for SIX. It is worth mentioning that the FISD maintains a state-of-the-art educational program, leading to well-regarded industry certifications. Over 110 SIX employees have accordingly improved their skills in this complex field of the financial information business by passing the various FISD exams. Happy to place a call for action towards our colleagues eager to achieve professional development: the FISD certification is the way forward!”
Marc, Berta: Thank you for this interview.
Tom Davin, FISD Managing Director
SIX and FISD: A Relationship Forged over Decades
Tom Davin, FISD Managing Director, commented on Marc Berthoud’s appointment and how mutually beneficial he sees the active role of SIX within FISD: “The relationship between SIX and FISD has been forged over decades as predecessor companies of SIX were among the first members of the association. SIX was instrumental in the expansion of FISD’s agenda internationally, hosting events and sponsoring global programs. It is no coincidence that multiple SIX executives have been presented with FISD’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Marc’s selection to the FISD Executive Committee continues a long tradition of SIX representatives being part of FISD’s member leadership. As one of the major players in our industry – as an exchange operator, a content creator, and data distributor – the participation of SIX in our forum is vital and enriches the value proposition for all FISD members.“