In the future, interested providers of payment solutions (e.g., payment schemes) should also be able to use the SIC IP service (Instant Payments service of the SIC system) for their account-to-account payments. To this end, SIX Interbank Clearing and the Swiss National Bank launched a project in the fall of 2023 to discuss with financial institutions and various market participants how to regulate standardized and non-discriminatory access for payment schemes. This resulted in a concept for an "Instant Payments Bridge" (IPB), which was submitted for consultation on 15 August 2024.

The aim of this market consultation is to inform the financial center about the IPB and to receive feedback from interested parties on the rough concept "Design Principles of a 'SIC Instant Payments Bridge' for the SIC IP Service".

All interested parties are invited to submit their comments by 30 September 2024.
The relevant documents are available on the following website: Market consultation Instant Payments Bridge