Combined Key Figures SIX Swiss Exchange & BME Exchange

Combined Figures*


MOM Change

YOY Change YTD YTD Change

Turnover in CHF bn

132.6 15.7% -21.3% 132.6 -21.3%
Turnover in EUR bn 133.2 15.7% -21.3% 133.2 -21.3%
Transactions 7,179,014 15.3% -24.5% 7,179,014 -24.5%


11,285.8 5.2% n.a. 11,285.8 5.2%
IBEX 35 9,034.0 9.8% n.a. 9,034.0 9.8%

*includes all respective trading segments for SIX Swiss Exchange and BME Exchange; exchange rate provided by the SIX currency converter.

Key Figures SIX Swiss Exchange

  • Trading turnover of CHF 88.9 billion (+11.9% month-on-month) and 4,330,479 trades (+9.1% month-on-month)
  • Highest turnover in a single stock: Novartis N with CHF 7.8 bn
  • Most transactions in a single stock: Novartis N with 305,123


Month (in CHF mn)

MOM Change

YOY Change YTD YTD Change

Turnover Equities**

69,800 9.8% -27.6% 69,800 -27.6%

Turnover Fixed Income

13,678 21.4% 6.8% 13,678 6.8%

Turnover ETF

4,709 16.7% -58.9% 4,709 -58.9%

Turnover Securitized Derivatives

762 18.3% -54.5% 762 -54.5%

Turnover Total

88,948 11.9% -27.3% 88,948 -27.3%



MOM Change

YOY Change YTD YTD Change

Transactions Equities**

4,107,510 8.6% -26.2% 4,107,510 -26.2%

Transactions Fixed Income

34,574 1.8% 54.3% 34,574 54.3%

Transactions ETF

151,100 24.4% -12.5% 151,100 -12.5%

Transactions Securitized Derivatives

37,295 22.2% -43.6% 37,295 -43.6%

Transactions Total

4,330,479 9.1% -25.7% 4,330,479 -25.7%

**incl. Funds + ETPs

Product Listing


MOM Change

YOY Change YTD YTD Change

Number Product Listings Fixed Income

42 27.3% 40.0% 42 40.0%

Volume Listed via Fixed Income  (CHF mn)

21,286 212.6% 115.6% 21,286 115.6%

Number Product Listings Securitized Derivatives

12,341 31.2% 98.6% 12,341 98.6%

Swiss Indices

Month-End Reading

Change Versus End of Previous Month

Change Since End of Last Year


11,285.8 5.2% 5.2%

SLI Swiss Leader Index®  PR

1,764.8 7.6% 7.6%


2,661.5 7.5% 7.5%


14,490.3 5.5% 5.5%


5,010.2 7.6% 7.6%


6,402.9 4.7% 4.7%

SXI Bio+Medtech® TR

5,240.9 5.9% 5.9%

SBI® AAA-BBB Total Return

125.3 2.3% 2.3%

Key Figures BME Exchange

  • The number of trades in Spanish stock market totaled 2.8 million, 26% higher than in December 2022
  • Fixed-income trading volume rises 10.6% to EUR 16,194 million
  • Stock options trading volume up 55.7% vs. January 2022


Month (in EUR mn)

MOM Change

YOY Change YTD YTD Change

Turnover Equities

27,522 -2.3% -13.9% 27,522 -13.9%

Turnover Fixed Income

16,194 132.6% 10.6% 16,194 10.6%

Turnover ETF

95 1.5% 0.1% 95 0.1%

Turnover Securitized Derivatives

50 12.8% 82.0% 50 82.0%

Turnover Total

43,861 24.3% -6.1% 43,861 -6.1%



MOM Change

YOY Change YTD YTD Change

Transactions Equities

2,833,433 26.2% -23.0% 2,833 -23.0%

Transactions Fixed Income

2,865 101.9% 33.8% 2,865 33.8%

Transactions ETF

7,371 53.2% 14.8% 7 14.8%

Transactions Securitized Derivatives

4,866 26.2% -27.5% 5 -27.5%

Transactions Total

2,848,535 26.2% -22.9% 5,711 -22.9%

Product Listing


MOM Change

YOY Change YTD YTD Change

Number Product Listings Fixed Income

435 -11.2% 168.5% 435 168.5%

Volume Listed via Fixed Income (in EUR mn)

52,396 213.2% 19.1% 52,396 19.1%

Number Product Listings Securitized Derivatives

1,623 224.6% n.a. 1,623 n.a.

Derivatives Traded Contracts


MOM Change

YOY Change YTD YTD Change

IBEX 35 Futures

388.5 0.1% -13.5% 388.5 -13.5%

Mini IBEX 35 Futures

45.3 -4.4% -40.7% 45.3 -40.7%

Stock Futures

87.1 -97.8% 287.0% 87.1 287.0%
IBEX 35 Options 130.1 -37.9% 5.5% 130.1 5.5%
Stock Options 1,344.8 -27.8% 55.7% 1,344.8 55.7%

Spanish Indices

Month-End Reading

Change Versus End of Previous Month

Change Since End of Last Year


9,034.0 9.8% 9.8%

IBEX Medium Cap

13,714.1 7.2% 7.2%

IBEX Small Cap

8,445.2 17.5% 17.5%

IBEX Grow 15

2,560.0 7.5% 7.5%


15.5 -4.7% -4.7%

Detailed statistics on turnover and transaction volumes per segment compared with the previous month and previous year, on newly listed products and on the development of the most important indices can be found in the tables below. The website of SIX Swiss Exchange provides you with full access to our complete information offering. We provide you with the latest market data and comprehensive statistics for our entire securities universe. This includes order book information, prices, volumes and turnover figures as well as historical data and statistics. We also provide official notices of listed companies, management transactions and other relevant information to ensure safe and transparent trading. Discover more.

Any questions?

Please do not hesitate to contact Julian Chan.

About SIX
SIX serves the Swiss and Spanish financial centers and a broad international client base, offering stable and efficient infrastructure services. SIX operates stock exchanges and provides services in securities, financial information as well as the payments business. The company is owned by its users (about 120 financial institutions). With over 4,400 employees and a presence in 20 countries, SIX generated operating income of CHF 1.6 billion and EBITDA of CHF 443.7 million in 2024.