Digital invoicing is on the rise and enjoying increasing popularity, with around 100 Swiss banks currently offering eBill to their customers. Paying an invoice now requires only a single click in online banking, or it can even be fully automated if desired. This means that incoming invoices are never lost and can be retrieved at any time via online banking: eBill makes it all simple, fast, secure and convenient.
Business customers are also benefitting from these same advantages. They, too, are increasingly switching their invoicing to eBill. All of the leading Swiss-based telecommunications providers, health insurers, energy suppliers, transportation companies, public administrations and credit card issuers already use eBill. And more providers are joining us every month.
This year, we have some further impelling eBill innovations in the pipeline. For example, companies will be able to not only send invoices via eBill with their own business software, but also to receive and process them directly without any media discontinuity. This will create a significant efficiency advantage over the conventional methods – especially for SMEs.
As of fall 2022, foundations and donation organizations will be able to use eBill to collect their donations, in a way that is thoroughly transparent, secure and convenient for their donors. This will form another important step towards the full digitalization of payment processing in Switzerland.
You can find more information about eBill at:
Please do not hesitate to contact Julian Chan.
Über SIX
SIX betreibt und entwickelt Infrastrukturdienstleistungen für die Schweizer und die spanische Börse, Securities Services, Banking Services und Financial Information mit dem Ziel, die Effizienz, Qualität und Innovationskraft über die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette des Schweizer und spanischen Finanzplatzes zu erhöhen. Das Unternehmen befindet sich im Besitz seiner Nutzer (121 Banken) und erwirtschaftete 2020 mit rund 3’500 Mitarbeitenden (Vollzeitäquivalente) und einer Präsenz in 20 Ländern einen Betriebsertrag von 1,38 Milliarden Schweizer Franken sowie ein Konzernergebnis von 439,6 Millionen Schweizer Franken.