CoinShares is the second ETP issuer joining the Swiss Stock Exchange in just a weeks’ time. Their physical bitcoin ETP offers investors exposure to bitcoin in combination with the advantages of Exchange Traded Products, each unit being backed up with 0.001 bitcoin at launch.

“Interest in Bitcoin continues to grow. As the world’s leading regulated marketplace for products with crypto-currency underlyings, SIX offers investors crucial benefits like transparency, liquidity and equal treatment. A warm welcome to CoinShares joining our ranks of Exchange Traded Product issuers”, says Christian Reuss, Head SIX Swiss Exchange, Markets, SIX.

With the new CoinShares physical bitcoin ETP – available in four trading currencies –, investors now have a selection of 22 Bitcoin ETPs and structured products on the Swiss Stock Exchange, while the number of ETP issuers rises to seven, following the recent arrival of ETC Group on 13 January 2021.

Trading turnover in crypto products on the Swiss Stock Exchange shows strong growth. In the first two weeks of 2021, already CHF 381 mio. have been traded – more than during any whole month since crypto products were first admitted to trading at SIX in 2016. These numbers underline the strong position of the Swiss Stock Exchange as the world’s leading regulated market place for products with crypto underlyings.

CoinShares Physical Bitcoin (BTC) (Ticker: BITC) is a physically-backed ETP secured by the underlying bitcoins. The product enables investors to gain exposure to the price of bitcoin on a regulated European stock exchange. The bitcoins held on behalf of BITC are maintained in custody with Komainu, a regulated institutional-grade digital asset custodian. CoinShares is a pioneer in digital asset investing having launched the world’s first regulated bitcoin investment fund and the world’s first bitcoin based securities on a regulated exchange. The firm currently has assets under management of USD 2.9 bn. making them the largest digital asset manager in Europe.

Product name Ticker Symbol Trading currency ISIN

Market maker

CoinShares Physical Bitcoin BITC USD, CHF, EUR, GBP GB00BLD4ZL17 Flow Traders

You can find further information on the ETP segment at SIX on our website:

Any questions?

Please do not hesitate to contact Julian Chan.

About SIX
SIX serves the Swiss and Spanish financial centers and a broad international client base, offering stable and efficient infrastructure services. SIX operates stock exchanges and provides services in securities, financial information as well as the payments business. The company is owned by its users (about 120 financial institutions). With over 4,400 employees and a presence in 20 countries, SIX generated operating income of CHF 1.6 billion and EBITDA of CHF 443.7 million in 2024.