Novavest Real Estate AG is complementing the “Standard for Real Estate Companies” and increasing the number of companies listed in this segment to 18. The outstanding share capital of 5,150,136 existing registered shares was increased by 1,287,534 new registered shares to 6,437,670 registered shares as part of an ordinary capital increase ahead of the listing. With an issue price of CHF 40.20 per registered share, the placement volume was CHF 51.8 million. The market capitalization amounts to CHF 280 million (at an opening price of CHF 43.50).
Peter Mettler, Delegate of the Board of Directors and CEO Novavest, says: "We are proud to announce the listing of Novavest Real Estate AG at SIX. Our thanks go to the shareholders for their broad support over the past few years and for the recent capital increase in December 2019. With today's listing at SIX, our share continues to gain in tradability and attractiveness. We look forward to a successful future at SIX".
Jos Dijsselhof, CEO SIX, said: "We are delighted to welcome Novavest to our stock exchange shortly before the end of the year. This marks the seventh listing year-to-date. Further, the number of 18 listed real estate companies shows how important the capital market is for companies in this sector".
For more information about Novavest Real Estate AG, please see
Please do not hesitate to contact Julian Chan.
About SIX
SIX serves the Swiss and Spanish financial centers and a broad international client base, offering stable and efficient infrastructure services. SIX operates stock exchanges and provides services in securities, financial information as well as the payments business. The company is owned by its users (about 120 financial institutions). With over 4,400 employees and a presence in 20 countries, SIX generated operating income of CHF 1.6 billion and EBITDA of CHF 443.7 million in 2024.