At the SIX Annual General Meeting on 20 May 2019, its shareholders elected the following persons to the SIX Board of Directors: Dr Jürg Gutzwiller, CEO of Entris Banking AG, as the representative of the Raiffeisen and regional banks, and Pierre-Olivier Bouée, Chief Operating Officer of Credit Suisse Group AG, as the representative of Credit Suisse Group AG. Both of them will take up their new posts as at 20 May.

Dr Jürg Gutzwiller succeeds Patrick Gisel, who left the Board of Directors as at the end of November 2018. Dr Jürg Gutzwiller has many years of experience in the banking sector and has worked for Entris Holding AG (formerly RBA Holding AG) since 1995. Prior to that he was a consultant at KPMG and head of management support in the organization department for the Executive Board of Swiss Bank Corporation.

Dr Jürg Gutzwiller is also President of the Verband Schweizer Regionalbanken (Association of Swiss Regional Banks) and a member of the Board of Directors of the Swiss Bankers Association.

Pierre-Olivier Bouée succeeds Urs Beeler. Pierre-Olivier Bouée has been with Credit Suisse since 2015. Prior to that he worked for 11 years in the insurance sector, including at Prudential plc as Group Risk Officer and at Aviva as Director for Central & Eastern Europe. Pierre Olivier Bouée started his career at the French Ministry for the Economy and Finance in the treasury department, before moving to McKinsey & Company to work as a consultant.

Pierre-Olivier Bouée currently holds no other directorships at other organizations.


Any questions?

Please do not hesitate to contact Julian Chan.

About SIX
SIX serves the Swiss and Spanish financial centers and a broad international client base, offering stable and efficient infrastructure services. SIX operates stock exchanges and provides services in securities, financial information as well as the payments business. The company is owned by its users (about 120 financial institutions). With over 4,400 employees and a presence in 20 countries, SIX generated operating income of CHF 1.6 billion and EBITDA of CHF 443.7 million in 2024.