PAY edition of June 2024

PAY edition of June 2024

  • Instant payment: Swiss banks about to take off. On 20 August, real-time account-to-account transfers will become a reality. A report on the experiences of the banks in the final preparation phase.
  • Why have instant payments not yet caught on in the EU? José Luis Langa from the operator of the Spanish retail payment system Iberpay reflects on the situation in Europe.
  • The total economic costs of point-of-sale payments. Billions that make you sit up and take notice.
  • Every child knows the Touring Club Suisse because of its yellow breakdown vans. The director of the non-profit association representing the interests of motorists explains the club's digital identity and why eBill is a blessing for him.
  • Crypto meets ISO 20022: How cryptocurrencies can benefit from faster and cheaper payment processing.
  • CION and SSFN on the verge of international breakthrough? In addition to the system-critical and business-critical infrastructure services of the Swiss financial center, the new communications technology is also attracting worldwide interest.
  • The advance of CBDCs seems unstoppable. Where things get stuck.
  • Iron money with character: Kissi's economic and spiritual role.


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