The Board of Directors of SIX has decided to realign the company with the aim of successfully facing the challenges presented by a market environment that has undergone fundamental changes. It is adopting a systematic focus on infrastructure services for shareholders and the financial centre in the areas of securities, payment services and financial information. These areas represent the future core business of SIX. Furthermore, all innovation activities of SIX will be consolidated in a new innovation unit and substantially more funding placed at its disposal. In future, the company will operate on the market exclusively under the “SIX” brand.
The new Executive Board of SIX will comprise the following members and areas of responsibility under the management of CEO Jos Dijsselhof as of 1 April:
Jos Dijsselhof, CEO SIX since 1 January 2018.
Thomas Zeeb, Head Securities & Exchanges. Thomas Zeeb has been a member of the Group Executive Board of SIX since 2008 with responsibility for the division Securities Services. Prior to that, he was a member of the Executive Board of Clearstream Banking in London and Luxembourg and member of the Board of Directors of Clearstream Banking Frankfurt.
The Business Unit Securities & Exchanges is the result of the merger of the former divisions Swiss Exchange and Securities Services. This will enable the company to offer all services associated with trading, settlement and custody of securities from a single source.
Marco Menotti, Head Payments. Marco Menotti will be joining SIX on 1 March 2018 and can draw on more than 27 years’ experience in the financial sector. He previously spent more than 15 years at UBS, where he held a number of management positions, the last of which was Managing Director and Head Banking Products at UBS Switzerland from April 2009.
SIX is reorganizing its entire payment services in the Business Unit Payments, thereby bundling, standardizing and streamlining Swiss payment services infrastructure. This will include the infrastructure for interbank payments, ATMs as well as card-based and mobile payments.
Robert Jeanbart, Head Financial Information. Robert Jeanbart has been a member of the Group Executive Board of SIX since May 2014 with responsibility for the division Financial Information. Prior to that, he was Global Head of Market Data and Information Services at SunGard. Other former positions included that of CEO of Infotec S.A. and a variety of management positions at Reuters Ltd over more than 15 years.
The Business Unit Financial Information will aim to systematically expand its strong market position in the data business, particularly in the field of international reference data.
Marc Schluep, Head Cards. Since December 2017, Marc Schluep has been responsible for the current division Payment Services. He has been a member of the Management Committee of SIX Payment Services since November 2014 and in charge of Organizational Development. Previously, he was Head Corporate Development from 2008, with responsibility for strategic development at SIX.
The Business Unit Cards (merchant acquiring and international card processing) will be separated from the core organization and, with the aim of creating a leading European provider, further developed as part of a strategic partnership.
Christoph Landis, Head IT. Christoph Landis has worked for SIX since 1992, and since 2015 has been responsible for the division Swiss Exchange and is a member of the Group Executive Board of SIX. From 2003 to 2009, he was CIO and a member of the Management Committee of SIX Swiss Exchange until his assumption of the overall management of Swiss Exchange.
Additional Members of the Executive Board are Daniel Schmucki, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Jochen Dürr, Chief Risk Officer (CRO).
SIX is consolidating all its innovation activities in the new Business Unit Innovation & Digital which will be led by Daniel Dahinden.
Robert Bornträger, Division CEO Global IT, has decided to leave SIX at the end of February 2018. He has been responsible for the development and operation of the entire IT infrastructure of SIX since 2008 and has thus contributed substantially to the successful triple merger and transformation of SIX. By merging all IT functions within SIX into a single division in 2013, he has played a decisive role in strengthening and professionalizing SIX. After ten years of heading up the IT organization of SIX, Robert Bornträger has decided to take on a new professional challenge. The current realignment of SIX was the right time for him to carry out this step. The Board of Directors and Group Executive Board of SIX have acknowledged his decision with regret and thank him for his commitment and valuable contribution to the stability and availability of the IT infrastructure of SIX.
Jos Dijsselhof, CEO SIX: “I look forward to working with my new Executive Board. Together, we will further develop SIX and strengthen SIX's competitiveness. I am convinced that this strong team will successfully master the coming challenges and continue the success story of SIX. By realigning SIX and focusing on our core business, we will be the driving force that will make the Swiss financial centre more agile, more efficient and thus stronger.”
Please do not hesitate to contact Julian Chan.
About SIX
SIX provides and operates stable and efficient infrastructure for the Swiss and Spanish financial centers, thus ensuring access to the capital markets and the flow of information and money between financial market players. As a global provider of financial information, SIX delivers high-quality reference, pricing, corporate actions, and ESG data and provides regulatory services and indices to clients around the world. The company is owned by its users (more than 120 banks) with a workforce of 4,160 employees and a presence in 19 countries.