Ownership Structure

SIX Group Ltd (SIX) is an unlisted public limited company based in Zurich. The company is owned by approximately 120 domestic and international financial institutions, which are also the main users of its services. The shares are distributed such that no single owner or type of bank has an absolute majority.

A shareholders’ agreement ensures that the ownership structure remains stable over the long term. Shares may only be transferred on a limited basis. The Board of Directors must approve any change to the shareholder structure. In accordance with the “user-owned, user-governed” principle, the composition of the Board of Directors reflects the user and ownership structure.


SIX is divided into four business units: Securities Services, Markets, Banking Services and Financial Information. 

Overview of SIX

Memberships in Industry Bodies and Initiatives

SIX is actively involved in national and international industry organizations and committees.

Memberships and partner organizations:
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