Venue The Dolder Grand, Kurhausstrasse 65, 8032 Zurich
Time 08:30am - 05:30pm

About This Event

Indexed, passive investing has become established. Institutional investors began indexing their investments at an early stage - the advantages are obvious. As a result, indexed investments are establishing themselves on a broad front, increasingly also among wealth managers and private investors.

This year's Indexing Forum will address topics such as geopolitics and its influence on the markets as well as monetary policy and the path to economic stability. In view of the changing market conditions, it sheds light on orientation aids and implementation options for broad asset allocation.

Experts will discuss how portfolio stability and security are implemented in practice and explore the question of whether strategies to avoid risk pose a risk in themselves. 


Program Please click here to view the full program.
08:30am Registration & Coffee
09:00am Welcome
09:15am Keynote Presentation & Panel Discussion
10:15am Coffee and Networking Break
10:45am Parallel Group Discussions – Turnus 1 & 2
12:15pm Networking Lunch
01:30pm Parallel Group Discussions – Turnus 3 & 4
03:20pm Networking Break
03:40pm Keynote Presentations & Panel Discussion
05:20pm Conclusion
05:30pm Networking-Apéro