Margaret Hamilton has succeeded in a man’s world. Although in her case, there might even be talk of space. She was involved as a software engineer in several of NASA’s Apollo missions, including Apollo 11, in which Neil Armstrong became the first man to set foot on the moon. She also blazed a trail at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for all the women who came after her. And by making the term “software engineering” respectable in the first place, all her male peers today also benefit from her pioneering spirit.
In the latest episode of our podcast, Berta Ares explains why Margaret Hamilton can be a role model for more than just her. Technology will change all areas of life, she says. That’s why we need more women in STEM professions, that is, professions where knowledge of science, technology, engineering or mathematics counts. Everyone is called upon to master the challenges of today with technology. As Managing Director at BME Inntech, she tries to do her part for the good of the financial markets and the clients of SIX. For example, her team has developed a roboadvisor and is working intensively on solutions for ESG data – the information on environment, social and governance. Following the acquisition of the Spanish stock exchanges BME, BME Inntech belongs to SIX.