How will we at SIX be working in the future?
Hannah Zaunmüller: Remote work has functioned very well in the vast majority of cases during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are now integrating its beneficial aspects into a hybrid work model that enhances the flexibility of choosing the physical location where one works. The choice of work location, of course, also depends on specific job requirements and roles and on one’s personal situation. The detailed design of the hybrid model will ultimately be set by the individual departments to meet their different needs and local requirements.
Where’s your favorite place to work?
I enjoy working from home, but I also like working on-site at SIX – we have a fantastic new HR office space.
As Chief Human Resources Officer, what insights have you gained from mandatory remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Working from home ultimately demonstrated to many workers and line managers who were fundamentally opposed to it that it really works and has beneficial aspects. It has also given digital transformation a big boost. We have had to rethink and digitalize work processes. Moreover, demands on managers have changed, and employee health and well-being have gained new importance.
Do employees really work better and more efficiently from home, as we often read in the media?
There have been a lot of studies about this. Some of them show that workers feel more productive working from home, and others actually verify higher productivity. As I said before, I think specific job requirements, roles, and workers’ personal situations are ultimately the decisive factors. A better work-life balance is possible in many cases. Working from home definitely saves time spent commuting to the office.
Demands on managers have changed, and employee health and well-being have gained new importance.
Hannah Zaunmüller
What, in your view, are the benefits of working on-site?
Working on-site facilitates social interaction, promotes team spirit, and fosters identification with SIX. Physical presence facilitates communication and cooperation. On-site office meetings are indispensable or advantageous for certain processes or functions such as recruiting or holding workshops. Moreover, working on-site offers some employees a quieter and better-equipped work environment or creates a clear separation between work and leisure time.
How many employees have you met in person since joining SIX last February?
I’ve met with very many online, but with far too few in person – but I’m working on that.
Reduction of CO2 Emissions during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The future hybrid work model to be implemented by SIX will continue to exert a beneficial impact on CO2 emissions through greater use of virtual meetings and periodic work from home. In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, the CO2 emissions of SIX went down by 40% year on year in 2020, largely as a result of a cutback in business flights (due to travel restrictions) and to a lesser extent due to mandatory remote work from home.