Net zero by 2050 – more and more countries and businesses around the world have committed themselves to this goal. This means that they want to achieve carbon neutrality by the year 2050. However, carbon neutrality does not mean that all of those countries and companies will no longer cause any emissions. Entirely stopping all emissions worldwide by 2050 is simply impossible to accomplish.
That’s why we need more than just a reduction in emissions to reach carbon neutrality. CO₂ that has already been emitted additionally must be actively removed from the atmosphere. Switzerland has recognized this. After recent amendments to the country’s Climate and Innovation Act, businesses in Switzerland must now submit specific plans on how they intend to actively remove CO₂ from the atmosphere, which is possible to do thanks to carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies. Below, we take a look at the most promising CDR methods and describe how they work.
What Is Carbon Dioxide Removal?
The term “carbon dioxide removal (CDR)” denotes all of the technologies and methods employed to actively remove CO₂ from the atmosphere. The importance of CDR lies in the fact that these approaches not only offset new emissions, but can also contribute to removing historical emissions and excess CO₂ from the atmosphere. Many of the technologies are still in the developmental stage and entail high costs or unknown repercussions. CDR nonetheless is considered a vital part of global efforts to contain climate change and secure a sustainable future.
What Kinds of CDR Technologies Exist?
Biochar carbon removal, enhanced weathering, and direct air capture are the three most prominent and promising methods of enduringly extracting CO₂ from the atmosphere. Below, we explain how those technologies work.
Biochar Carbon Removal
Photosynthesis is the most efficient way to absorb and sequester CO₂ from the atmosphere. However, the photosynthesis process works only for a limited time. When plants decompose or are burned, the carbon stored in them is released back into the atmosphere as CO2 or, in specific circumstances, even as methane, which exerts an even stronger greenhouse gas effect. This is exactly where biochar carbon removal goes to work. Carbon dioxide accounts for around half the weight of different types of dried plant-based biomass. When that biomass is heated to high temperatures without the presence of oxygen, it produces vegetable carbon, or biochar. Biochar, in essence, transforms carbon that was absorbed by plants into a very stable form. Biochar resembles charcoal and remains stable for several centuries, particularly when it is used in a targeted way, for instance as a soil conditioner in agriculture. That way, carbon is lastingly sequestered in the ground and no longer ends up in the atmosphere.
Another benefit is that biochar ameliorates soil quality. In arid areas in particular, biochar acts as a very efficient reservoir for water and minerals. And that’s not all: the production of biochar generates gases that in turn can be converted into energy. Part of that is used to operate biochar manufacturing plants, and the residual gases can be used to produce renewable energy.
Enhanced Weathering
In nature, rocks get deteriorated by weather influences like rain, heat, or frost. During the weathering process, certain minerals in rock chemically react with the CO₂ in the air or in rainwater. This reaction binds CO₂ in the form of carbonates, which deposit as sediment in the ground or in bodies of water over time. However, this natural process is very slow and can take thousands to millions of years. But it can be sped up. To do that, machines are employed to pulverize rocks, thus enlarging their surface. The resulting powder is then dispersed in soils, grassland, or bodies of water. Its contact with rainwater and CO₂ in the air causes a chemical reaction that permanently converts CO₂ into carbonates that remain sequestered in the ground or in water. Enhanced weathering makes this entire process around 50,000 times faster than natural rock weathering. Enhanced weathering removes CO₂ from the atmosphere and, just like biochar, can improve soil quality and replace costly fertilizers. But there are also challenges involved. The wide variability of weathering processes, which depend greatly on the rock material used and on the soil and climate, and the difficulty of reliably quantifying how much CO₂ is sequestered in a given period are the biggest factors. Sampling and modeling particularly still pose tough challenges.
Direct Air Capture and Storage
Direct air capture, as the name implies, directly extracts CO2 from the atmosphere by using giant fans to suck in ambient air. Since outdoor air contains only a trace concentration of CO₂, the flow of air must be as large as possible. The air subsequently passes through chemical filters that capture CO₂ with the aid of special materials. Afterwards, the CO₂ is compressed and purified before it can be transported for storage. The compression and purification process produces a colorless and odorless liquid. Since the CO₂ extracted by direct air capture has a very high degree of purity, it can also be reused to manufacture synthetic fuels, building materials, or chemicals, for example. Alternatively, the captured CO₂ can be permanently sequestered in geological formations such as underground rock layers, for instance. However, direct air capture currently is very cost-intensive mainly due to the high energy requirements of the fans and the infant state of the technology.
How Much CO₂ Is Already Being Removed Today?
Approximately 2.2 billion tons of CO₂ per year are currently being removed from the atmosphere around the world, primarily by means of conventional methods such as reforestation. According to an international report titled “The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal” published by the University of Oxford, novel technologies (like biochar carbon removal, enhanced weathering, and direct air capture, for example) today remove only 1.3 million tons of CO₂ from the atmosphere per year, which equates to less than 0.1% of the total quantity of CO₂ extracted worldwide. That share will have to increase sharply in the years ahead because, as explained earlier, although reforestation is an important means of capturing carbon, it is only a short-term solution since plants release CO₂ back into the atmosphere when they decompose or burn. And net zero can only be achieved by removing and lastingly sequestering CO₂.
How Should CDR Be Financed?
CO₂ certificates play a key role in financing these technologies. There is still significant potential, particularly in the voluntary carbon market. In this market, companies choose to purchase certificates on their own initiative—often for strategic reasons such as improving their sustainability record, preparing for stricter regulations in the future, or meeting the expectations of their customers and investors. To find out how exactly the carbon markets work, read the second part of this blog post here.
SIX, too, has set itself the goal of achieving net zero by 2050 and has already disclosed near-term targets that the group intends to reach by 2030. In addition, SIX supports CDR technologies through its strategic investment in Carbonfuture. You can read about all of the group’s other active commitments to sustainability on the SIX sustainability webpage.
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